Findings Thoughts

Design = intent

And who put it best? Kurt Weidemann, a renowned German graphic designer and typographer:

The artist does what he wants.
The designer wants what he does.

(Der Künstler macht, was er will.
Der Designer will, was er macht.)

Kurt Weidemann

I simply love how this quote states that design is all about intent. To me it is, too, which is why I save it here.

Weidemann’s client list features impressive names like Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Bahn, Shell, Porsche, Zeiss, Aerospace, and Daimler-Benz. And he happened to live and work in an altered switch tower here in my barrio in Stuttgart-West in his last 11 years before his death in 2011. This is also where this video has been shot:

Portrait of Tim

By Tim Reiser

Senior Design Lead and Manager at IBM in Germany blogging about random design and UX topics. Assertive Advocate (INFJ-A), introvert, family guy, dog person, nuts about music. Loves both mountains and the sea – while living too far from both.