
Are you asking enough from your design leaders?

“[Logitech’s] design-driven transformation between 2013 and 2019 saw the company’s market value increase roughly sevenfold.”

“Companies that excel at design grow revenues and shareholder returns at nearly twice the rate of their industry peers.”

“Research shows that bold, user-centric strategies correlate strongly with higher financial results.”

“The user and market insights gleaned through this redesign process helped fuel Lyft’s strategic shift from a provider of rides to a portal enabling people to move through cities in multimodal fashion.”

“[…] it is best to place the design leader in a function that has a mandate to contribute to strategy and also with an end-to-end view of the organization.”

“These [design leaders] have a vague mandate to improve customer experience but have nothing more than their own powers of persuasion to convince other business leaders to get involved. The best companies give their CDOs a mandate and the authority to deliver on it.”

… and I’m only half through the article! So many insights and strong statements in just one article. Gold!

Portrait of Tim

By Tim Reiser

Senior Design Lead and Manager at IBM in Germany blogging about random design and UX topics. Assertive Advocate (INFJ-A), introvert, family guy, dog person, nuts about music. Loves both mountains and the sea – while living too far from both.